Lego movie Emmet Bithday cake homemade


I admit, I don’t go crazy over birthday themes for the kids. I love celebrating them, I prepare for weeks in advance, I enjoy wrapping all the presents.
But making a cake…. Just not high on my list.
So despite the ease of making a cake in the Thermomix, I just really have no desire to do it. So I buy pre made sponge slabs from the supermarket.

After being undecided about what cake the now 5 year old would like, I originally decided to do a basic rocket ship. But, after numerous internet searches, and seeing image after image of phallic like representations I decided that maybe a rocket ship wasn’t the cake for us.

With all things lego being the flavour of the month, I decided to tackle Emmet. I don’t use fondant so it was buttercream all the way.

A very Late night, and with hubby’s steady hand to do the outlines, we got there in the end. At one stage he looked like a prisoner with a combover and really bad hair, hence the thick black mop.

Prisoner Emmet


Emmet Template


End Result



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